Friday, July 31, 2009


For the past couple of years I have grown vegetables and fruits...however I never really reaped a ton of fruit. This year I am planning to do a lot of canning and want my plants to be overwhelmed with fruit. I have a few squash that for the past few weeks have had a lot of blossoms on them but i still have not seen and fruit.
Am I doing something wrong?


Margene said...

I don't know, but I think we have a zapolla on Dad's plant. I have been think of fasting for it to grow on fast sunday. Is that bad?

Shelly said...

If your plants are blooming but not setting fruit, it might be that the blossoms are not getting pollunated. That's fairly common now days because there are not as many honeybees are there used to be. So, how dedicated are you? you can be your own honeybee with a q-tip.

The Snow Queen said...

Can't help with the squash, but I love love love the new fonts!