Tuesday, October 21, 2008

i lied

This past Saturday I went to get my hair cut. As I was sitting in the chair that lady asked me what i was going to do the rest of the day. I replied with carve pumpkins. I had planned to carve them with greg and daisy who yes is my dog. she responded and said oh that sounds like fun how old is your child? in my head i'm thinking i can answer this 2 ways:

option 1- i have a 4 year old little girl named daisy. she is really smart for her age and is the cutest little thing you have ever seen. she is going to be a ballerina for halloween too.

option 2- i don't have any children i'm carving pumpkins with my dog. to which the lady will say "oh are you ever going to have any?" which is the standard question or response. Then you feel like you either have to lie and say "someday" or you tell the complete stranger that you have been trying to get pregnant for 2 years and have been doped up on fertility medicine for about half of that. that your fertility doctor who you have been seeing since march is hopeful that quadrupling the medication (no matter how crazy it makes you)will work and if it doesn't he knows a great doctor in denver for invitro.

After thinking about it for a few seconds i answered with option 1.

the pumpkins were great...and daisy's pumpkin was done like a block of cheese.


Heather said...

Anything that messes up with your hormones makes you crazy. That sucks to hear about that, I'm sorry. It sounds like you picked the better answer for the situation. Good luck and many hugs to you!

Julie said...

I've been there girl--I can totally relate. We've spent 6 years (of our 10) trying to get pregnant and have done the fertility crap as well. I have faith that things will work out for you! Sometimes the man upstairs has his own timeframe for things.

Anyway, there's nothing wrong with carving pumpkins with just adults! In fact, must less messy that way! But it's funny you said Daisy was your 4 year old daughter. Have a Happy Halloween!

The Snow Queen said...

I lie too. Yep, they're twins. See it's easy. I love (that #$^%&*&$#@D% f'ugly) mustache, and oh my is it thicker this time around? I have no idea how that dent got there! Sometimes it's just the humaine thing to do.

Taylor Swim said...

Do we ever owe the whole story to a stranger? Does the checkout lady really need to know your life story? Do random strangers have to know our every last detail? I SAY NO!!! Way to take a stand!!!!

Tara said...

Hell yeah for answer number 1!! Explainations are for suckers.... :)

I really miss your face! We should think about remedying that here one of these days. ;)

Anonymous said...

I've lied to the hair dresser before too :) Same reason, too much too explain. A short lie is easier than a complicated truth.

I miss you guys. I wish you would visit again so I can see you.

RobRoy said...

Funny, I've also lied to my stylist. Just not interested in revealing the intricate and intimate details of my life.

We miss you!

Kate said...

Good luck! It seems like an eternity when your in the moment, but you'll look back someday and see the big picture.