Sunday, August 12, 2007

my garden is enjoyed by some...

This past month I have been noticing that my tomatoes were not getting ripe. I see the green little beginnings then nothing. Aleca's garden is flourishing with vegetables and mine was not. Then last week when I mowed the lawn I realized that someone, not going to name dogs, had been picking the green tomatoes the carrying them off to the corners of the lawn. the lawn mower found them and spit them all over the yard. Well i had a stern talk with her and have checked then lawn every day. I have not found green tomatoes instead I have found the fist sized orange tomatoes that are almost ripe. tonight I found the fourth victim this week.

Notice that the tomato still has some green on it. The teeth marks are what gave it away. I know I'm better at this detective stuff than Sherlock only took me a month to figure it out.

Her she is the tomato theif!!!


Anonymous said...

So she likes tomatoes. How did she your little girl to eat vegetables so good. Just put up a fenece around the tomato plants.

Taylor Swim said...

Daisy the gardener. I have 4 little ones that try to pick my garden. It has taken me a while to convince them not to pick the green ones. Good luck. It looks like you need a fence or maybe a bowl of goldfish to distract her. :)

Kate said...

That's so funny! I have to keep my cats from using my garden as a litter box. Daisy will be so healthy!

The Snow Queen said...

Is it me or does one of those tomotoes look like it has a smiley face on it? Maybe Daisy wants some fried green tomatoes.

The Snow Queen said...

I just read Rob's (Lily) blog. Hilarious. Dave and I laughed out loud when he described the breastfeeding class. I didn't make a comment because I am am of course someone wierd and that can be a little creepy. Funny

RobRoy said...

Hi melissa. It's nice to hear that my random musings gave you guys the chuckles. Feel free to leave any comments you like.

Catherine - Lil had a nice watermelon growing. Nate, one of the boys we sit, helped by smashing it into the concrete. I'm told this adds much needed vitamins and minerals.

Anonymous said...

You guys need to blog some more, what's going on in your life? I NEED TO KNOW! :) Love you!