Wednesday, June 2, 2010

ode to the peony

Growing up in the family i did its hard to not love plants. Although allergies tormented many members I was blessed with clear sinuses. While perusing the lovely choices at the nursery or home depot greg will ask "where are you going to plant that?" My answer is always the same "i'll find a spot" I love to watch each selection of plant grow. This year my favorite flower by far is the peony. I bought one 2 years ago and have loved it. This year when it came back after winter I was surprised to see how large the plant had gotten. So I bought a second plant.

the flowers remind me oddly enough of Jane Austen. I'm not quite old enough to have talked and befriended Jane... but through her novels and the time period history it brings a sense of strong yet dainty appearances. This describes a peony to me.

And the smell...intoxicating!


The Snow Queen said...

They are one of the prettiest little flowers. I have lots of tomatoes, lots of different peppers, all kinds of herbs, some onions, and carrotts, and lettuce. No stinky flowers at my house.

Margene said...

I love the flowers. they have always been one of my favorite flowers. They are beautiful. Maybe i will buy one and see if it will grow here .