Saturday, October 10, 2009


So what would you do with that much money? I know i would pay a phone bill, cable bill and a car payment. Nothing exciting but all very necessary. Well last month someone decided that they needed the money more than I did and used my card number. How they got it? I don't know.

So for the last month I have been calling and filing out claim forms and faxing them and re-faxing them and mailing them and re-mailing them only to get provisional money back.

Provisional money like they think I stole my own money?

Anyway I painted my nails black to give off a sign of terror to anyone who crosses my path...of coarse the nail paint is provisional.


The Snow Queen said...

Did they take it all in one chunk or did they steal it little by little? That sucks. What is the provision? That you give it all back? Lame.

Margene said...

Did you stop them before they did any more harm. That is bad. You have to do all the work and they just got off free with all your money.

Kami said...

Ugh! How awful for you Catherine! I hope it all gets straigtened out.

The Snow Queen said...

Oh by the way I love the fonts you added to your blog. Oh la la. Did you watch nie on Oprah? They had her and Mr. Nie on for a little short segment at the very end on Wed?

Taylor Swim said...

What?!?! I can't believe it! That happened to us when we were in Provo. It totally sucked and it took us a long time to straighten it all out. Good luck!

Christina said...

That's terrible. I hope if gets figured out soon.