Saturday, May 3, 2008

7th grade camping trip

It is a tradition fro the 7th graders at my school to go on a 3 day camping trip. As a teacher this means that we are in charge of the entire thing. We split the kids up into groups of 25 and then head up to the Colorado national monument. We do hikes, challenge activities, stream studies and an orienteering adventure. It really is a great activity. The students bring up all their food and camping gear. Its neat to see low income students who have never been camping succeed and have a blast.


Margene said...

No pictures of Daisy camping or of the students having a blast.

Anonymous said...

My daughter's Colorado school takes the kids down to Arizona to camp just before the kids get out. They always have a good time and I commend you teachers for leading them on the way.

Stacie A said...
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Anonymous said...

Gomen kudasai.