Thursday, June 25, 2009

the new commuter vehicle is...

so many of you were correct with your assumptions however only one person waas truely correct...timmy! yes it is a bike but what kind? A tricycle!!!!
It is a shwinn tricycle meridian. Greg helped me assemble it and then he took it for a test drive. it is soooo nice.
Daisy loves to chase it and run in front of it and then stop. When you slam on your brakes to avoid hitting her she then proceeds to bite your toes. she may be a little bike retarded.
i needed the extra storage that a tricycle has with the basket on the back. My calling at church is the family preparedness person so this last month when we canned wheat and beans i delivered the cans to people and found that the bike was the perfect way to do it. I can fit 12 #1o cans in that basket. awesome.
so in summary...
bike: $250
gas: $0
exercise: priceless


Kami said...

Nice! Cool bike, for sure. Good for you, doing all that canning! ;)

Shelly said...

You are to cool! I was just wondering if you would consider bringing cans to my house on your bike?

Margene said...

I saw it and it is awsome. I wanted to go for a ride, but the seat was too high for me. It was all shinny and new. Good luch riding . Daisy may want to run ahead but you could tain Jake to ride in the basket.

Taylor Swim said...

Oh baby! Looks like you found the perfect combo. 12 #10 cans is impressive cargo space too!

Lillian said...

That is wonderful Catherine! Congrats on the new commute. I may take your lead and start commuting that way myself. I also only live about a mile away and have considered that kind of commuting. Where did you find the bike?