Monday, February 4, 2008

Snow Day!!

I woke up today and turned on the news to see that school was canceled because of the snow we got last night. Now before I explain just know that so far we have gotten more snow this year than the valley has received for over 30 years. Usually we only get about an inch and it melts off by noon. Well this last week it has snowed everyday. Last night alone we got 5 inches in Fruita. I don't even think Fruita has a plow because when I woke up and went to the store there were tractors from the neighboring farm with buckets that were plowing the main road. Being raised in California this was my first snow day.

Some of the teachers that have been raised in the valley have said that they have never called off school because of the snow. I guess today was a first. I didn't mind because I have been sick and can't really talk all that well. I know you can't believe how much snow is on my truck. I nearly walked right past it and didn't realize it was there. I did have a wiper blade that broke from all the snow.


The Snow Queen said...

Cool! We didn't have any snow days the year we lived in Utah. I feel jipped. Are they expecting more snow this week?

Anonymous said...

cool a snow day. We did get a few wind and rain days in California. Your truck looks neat. Glad you got to stay home. I will call on Thursday.

catherine said...

The forecast does call for more snow on Wednesday. Then this thursday, Friday, saturday and Sunday it is suppose to warm up to the 40s. time to go and do something fun in the warn winter sun.

Em-Cat said...

Congratulations on making it to your first snow day!! My parents in Northern Utah said that the entrance to their drive way is about 3 feet above their heads. I can only imagine what the run-off is going to be like. I love Southern California!!!

Julie said...

There was so much snow in Utah that week that church was actually cancelled in a lot of places! Can you believe that? I don't they've ever cancelled church in any of my Utah wards in 30 years.

Anyway, hope you guys can stay warm and that you feel better soon.

Taylor Swim said...

Snow days are the best excuse to stay home and really enjoy yourself with things you might not usually make time for. Yeah for snow!